Our Mission
Our mission is to support resilient, environmentally sustainable communities across Unama'ki – Cape Breton.
Founded in 1992 to address industrial pollution, ACAP Cape Breton has grown into a dynamic organization. Our four core areas of work are:
Habitat Restoration
Monitoring & Research
Environmental Education
Waste Diversion
ACAP Cape Breton Statement of Values:
Action: We put knowledge into action through restoration, education, and advocacy.
Solidarity: We support a sustainable future for all, across environmental, social, and economic spheres.
Humility: We are continuously learning and deepening our expertise.
Holism: We recognize that the complexity of the world around us requires systems-thinking and holistic solutions to address ecological challenges.
Care: We employ care and respect towards all living things, human and non-human.
Reconciliation: We are committed to true reconciliation with Indigenous communities, through respectful relations, good partnerships, and recognition of Mi’kmaq as custodians of the land in Unama’ki.
Collaboration: We recognize that good work is achieved through collaboration and partnerships.
Evidence: We respect diverse evidence sources, such as scientific literature, community-held knowledge, lived experience, and oral history.
Hope: We recognize the vital importance of hope in facing environmental challenges.
Community: We are community members, and our work serves the communities that surround us.
Active citizenship: We believe that environmental challenges are solved through democratic participation and an informed, engaged citizenry.