Our Team
Kathleen Aikens
Executive Director
Background: BSc. Biology (CBU); MSc Natural Resource Sciences (McGill); PhD Environment & Sustainability (USask)
Favourite animal: Jumping spiders (but also Orcas)
Kathleen joined the ACAP Cape Breton team as ED in the spring of 2021. She is a committed problem solver, who enjoys working collaboratively to address environmental challenges.
To reach Kathleen: ed[at]acapcb.ns.ca. Please note that the ED address receives a high volume of email. If you have a general inquiry, try info[at]acapcb.ns.ca.
Jen Cooper
Habitat Restoration Manager
Background: BSc. Biology (CBU), Ecosystem Restoration grad certificate (Niagara College)
Favourite animal: deer (...bunnies, octopods)
Jen is happiest when she’s boots-deep in a stream or up to her elbows in soil. Through habitat restoration she invites us to muddy our boots as well, and explore the depths of our local ecosystems because she believes that with understanding comes stewardship.
Reach out to Jen regarding possible habitat restoration sites, or questions regarding past restoration projects:
Meaghan Fortune
Ecological Monitoring Lead - Coastal/Aquatic
Background: BSc. Biology (CBU)
Favourite animal: Whales…and dogs!
Meg spends her time at ACAP monitoring lots of exciting things like frogs and species at risk. She can often be found getting her hands dirty in coastal wetlands and streams. She believes that humans are deeply connected to nature and strives to make our environment a better place for everyone and everything we share it with!
If you’d like to learn more about coastal and aquatic monitoring, reach out to Meaghan at:
Shauntel Kelly
Habitat Restoration Program Manager
Background: Bachelor of Civil Engineering (Dalhousie University)
Favourite animal: Anything she can pet.
Shauntel is a jack of all trades and is always willing to jump onto a project and help in any way she can. You can find her out in the streams installing fish chutes and digger logs, collecting samples in the forest, or training the ACAP staff in all things safety.
If you have a question or need some help with heavy lifting, Shauntel’s your go to!
Monica Ragan
Program Manager for Western Cape Breton
Background: Bachelor of Arts: Celtic Studies (StFX) Bachelor of Arts: Honours in Anthropology with a subsidiary in Interdisciplinary Studies in Aquatic Resources (StFX) Master of Environmental Studies (Dalhousie University)
Favourite animal: How do I choose just one!? Bobcats, bison, fish, and amphibians are just a few of my favourites!
From a young age, Monica loved the outdoors, especially beach trips to West Mabou Beach. Finding trout in the local brook and looking for frogs or toads were and remain a constant activity in her life. Today, Monica is sharing her love for the outdoors and environmental advocacy with fellow residents.
Reach out to Monica if you have any questions about current or future ACAP Cape Breton work in Inverness County:
Mairi Musgrave
Trashformers Coordinator
Background: BSc. Environmental Science (SMU)
Favourite animal: Cats and hummingbirds
Growing up in the woods instilled a love of nature in Mairi from a young age. Since then, that love has grown into a passion for environmental advocacy and finding creative solutions to local environmental issues. She has been known to describe herself as a generalist, and enjoys the opportunity ACAP provides to learn and work on many different projects.
If you’d like to learn more about getting involved with citizen science or litter cleanups reach out to Mairi at:
Meaghan Tobin
Education Lead
Background: Natural Resources Environmental Technology Diploma (NSCC) Environmental Engineering Technology Degree (CBU)
Favourite animal: Red Pandas, racoons, owls and of course, cats!
Meaghan is the one heading out into our watersheds, lakes, wetlands, classrooms and more to bring environmental education to youth and the community. She loves spending time outside and being able to share her passion for protecting our habitats and having the chance to inspire others to make a difference.
Reach out to Meaghan if you would like to learn more about what education programs are available:
Hannah de Loë
Ecological Monitoring Lead - Terrestrial
Background: Bachelor of Arts and Science in Environment (CBU), Master of Science in Geography (Memorial University of Newfoundland and Labrador)
Favourite animal: Bumble bees and cats
Hannah loves bees, trees, and a good cup of tea. With a strong passion for research and environmental literacy, Hannah loves connecting with and learning from nature, using her skillsets to enhance ecological health and involve community members in environmental conservation.
Are you interested in learning more about pollinators, hoping to make your farm or garden more pollinator-friendly, or have general questions about monitoring and research at ACAP? Reach out to Hannah.
Marcus Gartland
Finance Administrator
Background: Bachelor of Business Administration: Accounting Major (CBU)
Favourite animal: Axolotls and tarsiers
Marcus began learning, working, and growing with ACAP in 2022 as the Trashformers Coordinator. Since then, he has moved into different roles at ACAP such as the team lead for the Trashformers, volunteer operations coordinator, and currently, finance administrator.
Peter Paul
Stream Intern
Background: Studied Civil Engineering at University of New Brunswick, Water Alternation Certificate, Chainsaw Safety & Awareness Certificate, Occupational Health and Safety Certificate, L'nu Stories and Traditional Knowledge shared by Elders, Language Keepers, Sacred Knowledge Keepers and Ceremonialists, lifelong apprentice of Professor Sheldon Googoo.
Favourite animal: Eagle
Peter has experience working as an Engineer's assistant with M&R Engineering at Canadian Coast Guard College (CCGC) for two summers and working at Membertou Heritage Park. With this unique combination of experience and with the guidance of his traditional Elders, Peter brings a fresh perspective to working with the Land.
Wela'lin Msit Nokomaq - Thank you, All my Relations.
Jenna Piovesan
Volunteer and Communications Coordinator
Background: BA (Hons) Psychology (StFX)
Favourite animal: Cats! Also pretty keen on raccoons and foxes.
Jenna is interested in learning about sustainability and how we as a society can reduce our carbon footprint. She joined ACAP Cape Breton as the Volunteer and Communications Coordinator in the Fall of 2023, overseeing ACAP communications and our growing volunteer community.
Elizabeth Jessome
Senior Manager - Terrestrial Restoration
Background: Bachelor of Arts (Philosophy & Biology), Cape Breton University
Favourite animal: horses, dogs, barred owls, Msit No’kmaq!
Elizabeth is heart and soul a forest animal, and building deep understandings of the relationships between forest ecology and the human place within has guided her career path and the various projects she volunteers on. She is happiest walking through old forests, conducting field research exploring forests and wetlands, and supporting ecosystem stewardship efforts–whether through thoughtful management or through restoration and conservation initiatives. Elizabeth loves sharing knowledge to nurture a cultural ethos or consciousness of the interconnections between healthy forests, thriving wetlands, and healthy communities.
To speak with Elizabeth about all things forest and wetland, reach out any time at ejessome[at]acapcb.ns.ca
Molly Foster
Environmental Program Coordinator
Background: Bachelor of Environmental Design Studies (BEDS), Dalhousie University
Favourite animal: Little Brown Bat
Molly is an artist, writer, and environmentalist who is proud to live in Unama’ki. She is returning to ACAP Cape Breton after graduating with a Bachelor of Environmental Design Studies, Major in Architecture.
On the side, Molly is the co-founder of Ripple, a non-profit organization that provides environmental education resources to Nova Scotian youth and educators. Much of her free time is spent cultivating young environmentalists through her public education and outreach work.
She is also the co-author and illustrator of “Every Little Bit,” a children’s book about litter cleanups that includes real Nova Scotian organizations and statistics, and has spent time in the Clean Energy sector teaching folks about renewable energy systems and carbon emission reduction.
Last year, she was voted one of Starfish Canada’s Top 25 Environmentalists Under 25 in Canada and was commended for her work by the Minister of Environment and Climate Change Canada!