Stream Restoration
Riparian Zones
Photos from a riparian restoration planting into damage created by forestry equipment crossing Trout Brook in the Mira River watershed.
ACAP has been working on riparian zone restoration in many watersheds around the east side of the island for years. We plant over damage caused by forestry operations, we work with the community to revegetate riverside parks, and we are currently working with the municipality to create a riparian management plan to protect urban rivers.
Riparian zones are the buffer ecosystems between rivers and the rest of the landscape. They protect streams by filtering out contaminants and sediment, and by shading the water to keep the habitat cool. They also protect the land by absorbing water during high flow. If riparian zones are compromised due to development or natural vegetation is replaced by lawns then they are not able to provide their function which leads to decreases in water quality and exacerbates flooding potential.